Roncalli Extranet
Extranet developed to allow beneficiaries of Roncalli Foundation produce their grant application forms and report progress of there project
Dorbec Construction Inc
Construction Dorbec a builder of Montreal needed a website to present there projects.
Carrossier Procolor - Intranet
An intranet designed for the needs of Procolor's franchisees. It allows the transfer of information between the franchisor and the franchisees. Several tools have been developed to manage events, recruiting resources and a store locator.
1001 Visuels
1001 Visual designed the look of there new website and we integrated this visual in Kentico. We designed an extranet that allows certain customers to order items produced by 1001 Visuals.
AsteelFlash - Intranet
Asteel Flash has developed an intranet that is accessed by more than 3,000 employees on a daily basis. As a multinational Asteel Flash chose to publish its intranet in five languages. 
City of Brossard
The city of Brossard is one of the largest cities in Quebec. With more than 82,000 citizens, it must keep people informed of events, notices, regulations and other news. Carbon Web participated in the development of the site.
Expert in municipal management CEGM is a group of professionals specialized in the municipal sector. Carbon Web migrated the website to Kentico CMS to enable easier content management.
Canadian Critical Care Trials Group is an organization of over 300 members. CCCTG mission is to improve the well-being of patients in critical condition. Carbon Web has facilitated the design of the website and the intranet.
Small Hydro
Carbon Web did programming of the web site of Small Hydro. A secured part of the site allows partners of Small Hydro see the potential sites to build a dam to generate electricity on a small scale.
Bodylift Contest
Micro site contest designed for Carrossier ProColor. In order to promote the workshops affiliate. This contest was active for several months.
MAF Technical Services
Expert translation French - English and English - French, MAF Technical Services has revamped there site with the help of Carbon Web.
MVP a division of PPG Refinish has completely redone its website. Nominated one of the top 10 sites of the months by Kentico CMS. With there business training MVP helps painting centers to better manage there company.
City of Repentigny
City of Repentigny has completely redone its website. Several improvements have allowed the city to better serve citizens. Adding social media allows it to informe the citizens faster.
Asteel Flash migrated its static web site to Kentico. Firstly, this allowed them to manage the site's content. And secondly to improve the visual more easily.
Sentier 6x6
Sentier 6x6 is a French forum focused on all-terrain amphibious vehicles. It's members communicate and organize events.
Carrossier ProColor
Carrossier ProColor's site present Quebec's largest network of body shops. Equipped with a workshop locator Carrossier Procolor meets the needs of it's customers